• Can I cancel my order?
    Yes, but you need to contact us within 24 hours. We cannot cancel your order after 24 hours.
  • I want to return
    We support returns and exchanges. Our return period is within 7 days after receiving the goods. Please refer to our Return Policy for specific conditions.
  • How to choose the size?
    We have size charts in each of our product pages. Please choose according to your body data. If you still have doubts about the size, please contact us. We will provide reference.
  • Do you accept retail?
    We mainly provide wholesale. If you want to buy a single piece, the shipping price will be expensive. We recommend that you buy two or more pieces to make it more cost-effective.
  • What courier do you use?
    We use USPS, Fedex, UPS, DHL. But only shipping to the US is supported.
  • How soon can I receive the goods?
    The total time = Order Processing Time (48h) + Shipping Time
    Shipping Time depends on the shipping method you choose.
  •  Can I fill in the PO BOX address as the delivery address?
    Sorry, we do not currently support shipping to PO BOX addresses. Please fill in another address.

Hope this helps. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service department at wholesaleonesie@hotmail.com for consultation.

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Subtotal $0.00

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